To Εργαστήριο Μελέτης του Πολιτισμού των Συνόρων και του Κοινωνικού Φύλου σε συνέργεια με το ΔΠΜΣ Human Rights and Migration Studies, στα πλαίσια των διαλέξεων «Οι μακρινοί μας γείτονες» και του μαθήματος «Comparative issues in Gender and Cultural Diversity», σας προσκαλούν στην διάλεξη της Rumena Bužarovska, Associate Professor of American Literature, St Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, North Macedonia,
με θέμα: «The Feminist Movement in North Macedonia»
Η διαδικτυακή εκδήλωση θα γίνει την Δευτέρα 22/3/2021 και ώρα 18.30, στο σύνδεσμο
Συντονίζει η Φωτεινή Τσιμπιρίδου, Καθ. Κοινωνικής Ανθρωπολογίας, Πρόεδρος ΒΣΑΣ-Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας, και Διευθύντρια του Εργαστηρίου.
This lecture aims to provide an overview of the general feminist movement in North Macedonia, focusing on the 1991 period, after independence from Yugoslavia. It focuses on the following questions: how have policies regarding gender equality changed during this time, and to what extent were they affected by feminist organizations? What role did the government play in reducing or promoting the rights of women on a state level? What effect did the local equivalent of the #metoo movement (#segakazhuvam) have on raising awareness and changing policies?
Rumena Bužarovska (1981, Skopje, North Macedonia) has authored four short story collections and a study on humor in contemporary American and Macedonian short fiction. Her short story collections have been published in the USA, Germany, Hungary, Italy and all the countries of the former Yugoslavia, and her stories have appeared in magazines such as The Southern Review, Electric Literature and Wespennest. She is also a literary translator from English into Macedonian (Lewis Carroll, Truman Capote, J.M. Coetzee, Flannery O’Connor, Iain Reid). In 2016 she was selected as one of the Ten New Voices of Europe by Literary Europe Live platform within Literature Across Frontiers, she is the 2017 winner of the regional Edo Budiša prize awarded by the Istria County in Croatia, and is the recipient of the 2018 Fall Residency at the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa. She is co-initiator and co-organizer of the PeachPreach women’s storytelling event in Macedonia and associate professor of American literature at the State University in Skopje.