«Decolonize Hellas/Decolonize the Balkans and Eastern Europe: a first contact»

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“Inner-Courtyard Door in Eratyra” @ F. Tsibiridou, October 2020

Webinar/workshop (19.5. 2021, 5-8 pm) University of Macedonia

Convenors: FotiniTsibiridou, Eleni Sideri, Ioannis Manos

Link https://zoom.us/j/8954478253
Meeting ID: 895 447 8253

Decolonize Hellas https://decolonizehellas.org/, Culture, Borders, Gender/LAB https://cbg-lab.uom.gr/en/, MA History, Anthropology and Culture in Eastern and South Eastern Europe https://www.uom.gr/en/mahac, CREABALK network https://cbg-lab.uom.gr/en/blog/networks/creabalk/

1. «Decolonize Hellas/Decolonize the Balkans and Eastern Europe: a first contact», Introductory remarks, by FotiniTsibiridou

2.“Frameworks of race and decolonisation: bridging post-Yugoslav spaces and Hellas”?, podcast by Catherine Baker

3.“Decolonial theory and practices in Eastern and South Eastern Europe”SpecialIssuepresentation by Polina Manolova  (on behalf of Katarina Kušić, Philipp Lottholz),

4.“The Return of the Colonial: Understanding the Role of Eastern Europe in Global Colonisation Debates and Decolonial Struggles”, Workshop presentation by Zoltán Ginelli (on behalf of Romina Istratii, Márton Demeter)

5.“Doing epistemic decolonization in Bosnia: peripheral selves”, reflections by Daniela Majstorovic

6.“Thessaloniki and Other Balkan Cities: Monuments, Memory, Representation, Affective Biographies, Cultural Geographies and Everyday Sensory Anthropology”, on the CREABALK network activities by Eleni Sideri (Pierre Sintès, Alessandro Galliccio, Olivier Givre, Fotini Tsibiridou)

Coordination of the panel/discussion: Ioannis Manos


Catherine Baker is Senior Lecturer in 20th Century History(University of Hall). She is a specialist in post-Cold War history, international relations and cultural studies, including the post-Yugoslav region in a transnational and global context.Her research projects are connected by an overarching interest in the politics of representing, narrating and knowing about the past. Catherine’s current projects include relationships between war / the military and popular culture; the cultural politics of international events (including the Eurovision Song Contest); LGBTQ politics and identities since the late Cold War, including queer representation in media; and ‘race’ in the Yugoslav region. She has also researched interpreters / translators in peacekeeping.

Contact: Catherine.Baker@hull.ac.uk

Alessandro Gallicchio is Professor of contemporary art history at École supérieure des beaux-arts de Nîmes and adjunct faculty member at TELEMMe (AMU-CNRS) in Aix-en-Provence/Marseille. After he completed his PhD, he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art and Centre Pompidou (Labex CAP) and worked on the relations between art and urban space in contemporary Albania. Through an interdisciplinary approach, engaging a dialogue between art history, cultural geography, architectural history, and anthropology, he launched with Pierre Sintès MonuMed, an art and social sciences project focused on the new practices of artistic and architectural monumentalization. In 2020 he was André Chastel fellow at the Villa Medici in Rome and in 2021 he is researcher in residence at École Françaised’Athènes. As an independent curator, he collaborates with international art centers and museums and he presented Rue d’Alger exhibition in Manifesta 13 Marseille Les Parallèles du Sud Biennial.

Contact: alessandro.gallicchio@gmail.com

Zoltán Ginelliis a PhD Candidate in Geography at EötvösLoránd University. His research and teaching focuses on critical geography, historical and political geography, and the geographies of knowledge, but he also specializes in the history, sociology and philosophy of science, science communication, and science and technology studies. His forthcoming dissertation book is a transnational history of the “quantitative revolution” in Cold War geography, and his current research reinterprets colonial history and postcolonialist thought in Eastern Europe. Since 2015, he has been a part-time Research Assistant in the international research projects “1989 After 1989” and “Socialism Goes Global” at the University of Exeter. Zoltán is devoted to fighting social injustice, promoting progressive teaching and critical geography in Hungary, for which he runs two blogs, the Forum for Hungarian Critical Geographers (https://www.facebook.com/kritikaifoldrajz) and Critical Geographies (https://kritikaifoldrajz.hu). Whenever he can, Zoltán enjoys academic reading, blog writing, traveling, and art, while on gloomy evenings plays the blues on his prized guitar, an American Fender Stratocaster.

Contact: zginelli@gmail.com

Olivier Givre, is anthropologist and Associate Professor at the University Lumière-Lyon2 (France). He works mainly in the Balkans (Bulgaria, Greece and other countries) on several fields: ritual and religious dynamics, memoryand heritage processes, border and territory issues. His present research interests concern ecological anthropology, sensory anthropology and research-creation. He is the cofounder of the CREABALK – Creative Balkans network. https://univ-lyon2.academia.edu/OlivierGivre

Contact: olivier.givre1@univ-lyon2.fr

Danijela Majstorović (MA 2003, Ohio University; PhD 2006 University of Banja Luka) is a Professor of English Linguistics and Cultural Studies at the University of Banja Luka’s English department. She is also a Humboldt Experienced Research Fellow studying social protests and third-wave migrations in and from post-2015 Western Balkans at Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany. She was a visiting researcher at Lancaster University in 2006, a Fulbright fellow at UCLA in 2012-2013, a Canada Research Chair in Cultural Studies Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Alberta in 2014 and a visiting researcher at Indiana University in 2016. Her research interests involve critical discourse analysis, critical theory, feminist theory, post- and decolonial theory, and post-Dayton Bosnia. She published over 25 journal articles, co-authored Youth Ethnic and National Identity in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Palgrave, 2013), authored Diskursiperiferije (Biblioteka XX vek, Belgrade) and Diskurs, moć i međunarodnazajednica (FF Banja Luka, 2007)She edited Living With Patriarchy: Discursive Construction of Gendered Subjects Across Cultures (John Benjamins, 2011), U okriljunacije  (CKSP Banja Luka, 2011) and Kritičkekulturološkestudije u postjugoslovenskomprostoru (Banja Luka, 2012). Her new book Discourse and Affect in Post-socialist Bosnia and Herzegovina: Peripheral Selves is due to come for Palgrave in 2021.

Contact: kulturoloskestudije@gmail.com

Polina Manolova holds a PhD in East European Studies from the University of Birmingham, UK. She teaches under- and postgraduate courses in migration, borders and power asymmetries across Europe. Her research focuses on intra-EU migrations and pathways of incorporation of east European migrants in Germany. Furthermore, she is interested in exploring the spread of Western modernity and (self) Orientalisation narratives in postsocialist Europe. She is a member and co-founder of the Dialoguing Posts Network. Currently, she is based in the University of Tuebingen (Germany). 

Contact: polinamanolova@gmail.com

Ioannis Manos is Αssociate Professor in the Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki. He studied History and Archaeology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Social Anthropology at the Universities of Hamburg, Germany and Sussex in the UK. He worked as a Full Time Visiting Research Fellow at the Sussex European Institute, (Sussex University) holding a Marie Curie scholarship from the European Union. He is a member of the editorial collective of the Teaching Anthropology Journal (Royal Anthropological Institute) and co-convener of the EASA-Teaching Anthropology Network. He is a founding member of the academic network for Anthropology and the Balkans «Border Crossings», member of the Advisory Board and co-editor of its publication series. His main research interests focus on Southeast Europe and his publications include articles and co-edited volumes on geopolitical borders and border regions, nationalism and identity politics, anthropology of dance, migration and the methodology of teaching anthropology.

Contact address: imanos@uom.edu.gr

Eleni Sideri, holds a PhD in social anthropology from SOAS/University of London. She completed three master degrees in Social Anthropology, Near and Middle Eastern studies (SOAS) and sociolinguistics (AUTH). She holds also a degree in Film Studies (AUTH). She did fieldwork in the Caucasus, in Bosnia-Herzegovina and in Greece. Her academic interests include diasporas, transnational migrations, mobilities, tourism and post-conflict urban development, language and sociolinguistics, post-socialist societies and cinemas, film and TV narratives, anthropology of media, experimental ethnographic writing, digital technologies. She co-edited the volume Religions and Migrations in the Black Sea (2017) Macmillan/Palgrave.

Contact: elasideri@uom.edu.gr

Pierre Sintès is Associate Professor of Cultural and Social Geography at Aix- Marseille University, France. His research is about the social and political transformations related to migration, diaspora and mobility in Greece and other Balkan’s countries. He focuses more particularly on discourses of identification, and social and ethnic affiliations and relationships between identity and space. His recent publications (in English) include Chasing the Past: Geopolitics of Memory on the Margins of Modern Greece (Liverpool University Press, 2020), Social Practices and Local Configurations in the Balkans (European University of Tirana Press, 2013) and Borders, Mobilities and Migrations. Perspectives from the Mediterranean19–21st Century (Peter Lang, 2011).He is the cofounder of the CREABALK – Creative Balkans network.

Contact: Pierre.sintes@univ-amu.fr

Fotini Tsibiridou is Professor of Social Anthropology at the Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies at the University of Macedonia and acting Director of the Laboratory for the Study of Culture, Borders and Gender. She has done fieldwork in a former refugee village and among the Pomaks in Greek Thrace, in Macedonian and Peloponnese villages and the Sultanate of Oman. She has also researched nationalism and multiculturalist discourses and practices in Greek Thrace, as well as gender, citizenship and creative counter publics in Istanbul. Currently (since 2018) she is researching two topics: post-Ottoman religiosity and gendered subjectivity in the frame of post-colonial critique (Balkans, Turkey, the Middle East), and feminist and other decolonizing methodologies deployed in creative protests and resistance practices in Mediterranean cities in the way to/of cosmopolitics. She is the cofounder of the CREABALK – Creative Balkans network.

Contact: ft@uom.edu.gr

“When the Pomegranates Bleed. Stories from Nagorno-Karabakh”

Sergei Parajanov, Τhe Colour of Pomegranates, 1969

The Club for the study of Borders, Culture and Diversity and the Ethnography Club of the Lab/ Cultures- Borders- Gender in the framework of the lecture series  “Our Distant Neighbours” in partnership with the MA in Politics and Economics in Contemporary Eastern and South Eastern Europe of the Dept. of Balkan, Slavic and of Oriental Studies of UoM.

invite you to the online event
“When the Pomegranates Bleed. Stories from Nagorno-Karabakh”

Friday 19/3/2021, 15.00-17.00 (local time)
Zoom Platform

With the participation of

  • Thomas De Waal, Senior fellow, Carnegie Europe, “War or Peace in the Caucasus? After the Second Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict”

«Digital-Stories from the Field»

  • Ruzan Gishyan, multimedia production manager, CHAIKHANA.MEDIA
  • Heydar Isayev, freelance reporter
  • Ulkar Natiqqizi, freelance reporter
  • Sona Simonyan, video production manager, CHAIKHANA.MEDIA

The event is coordinated by Eleni Sideri, Assistant Professor of Social Anthropology, Dept. Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, UoM.

The event will be in English and registration at https://forms.gle/aEmNcPeTa9eHDpsi6 is required.

Call for papers

The ‘Club of Gender Studies’ in collaboration with the ‘Club of Ethnography’ of the Culture-Borders-
Gender/LAB at the Department of Balkan, Slavic & Oriental Studies (BSOS) supports and hosts the
publication of a new annual magazine entitled ‘EIRINI-Anthropological Journal for the Study of Gender,
Cultural Diversity and Social Discriminations’ (https://ireneanthropologic.wixsite.com/website).

The Journal will host publications of research papers of postgraduate students, PhD candidates, and alumni of BSOS and other departments of UoM. The Journal will also accept papers of young graduates in Social Anthropology, Cultural Studies and other Social Sciences from Greek and foreign programs which study cultural diversity and social discrimination with a special focus on Gender Studies supporting equality.

For more details:

Conference ‘2020 an extraordinary year in pandemic times: Academic experiences and research practices from the Balkans’

The Department of Balkan Slavic and Oriental Studies, the “History of Eastern and Southeastern Europe LAB” and the “Culture-Borders-Gender /LAB” co-organize a conference entitled “2020 an extraordinary year in pandemic times: Academic experiences and research practices from the Balkans“, which will take place online on the zoom platform on 23rd and 24th of January 2021.
The link of the conference will be announced on Friday 22/1/2021
The conference is open to the public.
To register, enter your details on the platform: https://forms.gle/BYgwBWDFTdM7QpU6A

Multimedia Encounters: Conference Programme

The UCL Multimedia Anthropology Lab is pleased to invite you to our upcoming online conference and virtual exhibition, Multimedia Encounters: Experimental Approaches to Ethnographic Research. This event will begin next Tuesday 12th January at 17:45 with the following opening programme of keynote speakers. The full conference programme is attached as a PDF.

17:45 – 18:00 | Introduction: Multimedia Encounters
Raffaella Fryer-Moreira (UCL)

18:00 – 19:30 | Opening Panel: Knowledge Otherwise

How can anthropological knowledge be thought otherwise? What might the implications of this be for research practice and communication more broadly? This keynote panel introduces the core themes of the conference by bringing together three contemporary thinkers and the unique ideas that each mobilise in their critical engagements with knowledge.

  • 18:05 | Professor Haidy Geismar (UCL)
  • 18:25 | Dr Ludovic Coupaye (UCL) | The Anthropology of Techniques and the Techniques of Anthropology
  • 18:45 | Kuña Jaqueline Aranduhá (Kuñangue Aty Guasu / UFGD) | Decolonising anthropology: a perspective from Guarani & Kaiowá indigenous women
  • 19:05 | Panel discussion
  • 19:40 – 20:40 | Kuñangue Online: Opening Ceremony

To attend, please register for free on Eventbrite, and joining instructions will be shared on the day.
To stay in the loop, please follow UCL MAL on our social media: FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.
UCL MAL is an interdisciplinary research network that explores innovative methods for conducting and presenting ethnographic research. We have organised several seminar series and exhibitions at UCL and have presented work and ideas at Somerset House, Modern Art Oxford, and the Tate Modern. Founded in 2017 by doctoral research students at UCL Anthropology, today MAL is composed of over 50 members around the world, with representatives from anthropology, art, computer science, sound studies, film, and human rights. MAL has been generously supported by UCL Anthropology, the Institute of Advanced Studies, UCL Grand Challenges, and the British Museum. 

Balkanologie 2020

Nous avons le grand plaisir de vous annoncer que Balkanologie. Revue d’études pluridisciplinaires est de retour !

 Les deux numéros de 2020, vol. 15 n°1 et vol. 15 n°2 sont maintenant en ligne et en accès libre sur la plateforme OpenEdition.

Au nom du Comité de rédaction, nous tenons à vous remercier chaleureusement de votre collaboration

It is a great pleasure to announce that Balkanologie. Revue d’études pluridisciplinaires is back!

The two issues for 2020, vol.15 n°1 and vol.15 n°2 are now available online and free access on the platform OpenEdition.

On behalf of the Editorial Board, we thank you warmly for your collaboration.

Call for Papers: Princeton / Columbia Conference on «The Greek War of Independence and the Americas»

November 12-13, 2021 – Princeton University and Columbia University in the City of New York

Princeton University’s Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies and the Department of History at Columbia University invite scholars at all stages of their careers to submit proposals for individual papers to be given at a two-day international history conference scheduled for Friday to Saturday, November 12-13, 2021. The conference will explore the social, political, cultural, and economic interconnections between the Greek War of Independence and the Americas.

The conference, which participates in global bicentennial celebrations of the outbreak of the Greek War of Independence in 1821, is intended to further historical thinking connecting histories of an age of revolutions on multiple continents. It may lend itself to work in a comparative vein or comparisons may arise through discussion of intensive case studies. The organizers anticipate work that fuels rethinking sovereignty, peoplehood, and a world of nations and empires through actors and processes.

Themes to be explored include models of revolution in the Americas in rethinking the Greek Independence struggle; the liberal international moment of the 1820s in southern Europe and connections with the independence movements in South America; attitudes within Greece towards the Americas and the move to independence in the western hemisphere; questions of republics and slavery composed by African-Americans in 1820s; response to the slavery question in the Morea. Approaches to foreign and economic affairs including intervention and non-intervention policies developed in the Americas, such as the Monroe Doctrine and the policy of states in the Americas toward an independent Greece; the rise of an international market for sovereign debt and the debt boom/bust of the 1820s; economic and technological aspects of American involvement including steamship purchases; the suppression of piracy; the involvement of Protestant missions; the rescue of Greek orphans. Intellectual history and cultural and artistic responses, such as international Benthamism and radical constitutionalism; novel approaches to philhellenes of the Western Hemisphere, including classicizing political thought (e.g., Jefferson, Koraes); and the impact of philhellenism on American life, culture, and institutions (e.g., the cases of Francis Lieber and Samuel Gridley Howe); rethinking American philhellenes in Greece; the circulation of memoirs, journalism, captive and travel literature and the literary representation of the Greek war in the United States; memories of 1821 and Greek-American life over the following century and a half.

The conference is intended to meet over two sequential days, one each at the respective campuses of the hosting institutions.  If the conference is held in person as planned, speakers selected will be provided four nights lodging (2 nights in Princeton, 2 nights in New York City, booked on their behalf) and reimbursement of a fixed amount toward travel expenses. Selected participants should however be prepared for possible changes in the modality of the conference if continuing public health and safety concerns prevail against or limit physical assembly. Health and safety concerns might even dictate a change in the dates of the conference. The organizers commit to making a decision in good time regarding modality.  Speakers should not purchase tickets for travel that are not fully refundable until they are notified by the organizers to do so.  Should the conference be held virtually or in hybrid mode, there will be no reimbursements towards unexecuted travel expenses, and should the conference be held in person on different dates, there be will no reimbursement for travel arrangements made with respect to the original dates.

Deadline for proposals is Monday, February 8, 2021. Applicants should submit an abstract of no longer than 300 words and a one-page summary curriculum vitae to Sara Brooks (sbrooks@princeton.edu), Secretary to the Program Committee.

Program Committee: Dimitri Gondicas (Princeton University); Jeremy Adelman (Princeton University); Natasha Wheatley (Princeton University); Peter Wirzbicki (Princeton University); Mark Mazower (Columbia University); Konstantina Zanou (Columbia University); Kostas Kostis (University of Athens)