
This is the visual and/or audiovisual documentation of the Lab’s activities:

Dan Georgakas: A Personal History of Greek America

The Culture–Borders–Gender/Lab, in the framework of the Cycle: “CULTURAL STUDIES: TEXTS-CREATORS-ACTIONS”, on Monday 20/5/2024, at 18.00, at welcoming area of ​​Pikap Kato (Olympo 57, downtown Thessaloniki), organized a discussion about Greeks in America on the occasion of Dan Georgakas’s book “My Detroit” (Translated by Anastasia Stefanidou), Athens: “The Publications of Colleagues” 2016. The speakers participated :

Kostis Karpozilos, PhD in History, University of Crete
Anastasia Stefanidou, Ph.D. in English Literature, AUTH (translator of the book)
Antonis Balasopoulos, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Cyprus


“4th Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN: “Borders and boundaries revisited: Anthropological perspectives and public engagement”

22/4/2024 – In the 9th and final online seminar of this year’s ETHNOGRAFEIN series, Pausanias Karathanasis, Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from the University of the Aegean, delivered a lecture on the topic: Από τα κάτω δραστηριοποίηση και έξοδος από την κυπριακή οριακότητα”.


“4th Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN: “Borders and boundaries revisited: Anthropological perspectives and public engagement”
8/4/2024 – Florian Muehlfried: “The Georgian-Russian Border: Perspectives from the Periphery”
Florian Muehfried, in his presentation, traces the transformation of the border between Georgia and Russia from soft to hard based on the example of the Georgian highland region Tusheti. After the breakdown of the Soviet Union, the border region was managed flexibly and “from below”. This was followed by an internationalisation of border guarding and attempts to its spiritual fortification. These three phases of border guarding can be related to three different models of the state, and of being a citizen.


“4th Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN: “Borders and boundaries revisited: Anthropological perspectives and public engagement”
26/2/2024 – Rozita Dimova, Social Anthropologist at the Institute for Advanced Studies (iASK), Kőszeg Center for Interdisciplinary and Advanced Studies, University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje.

The topic of her presentation: : “Transgressing Realities: Desire and Borders in Southern Balkans”


“4th Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN: “Borders and boundaries revisited: Anthropological perspectives and public engagement”
5th online seminar of the 4th cycle of theETHNOGRAFEIN series. Monday, February 12, 2024 (4-6 p.m.). Guest speaker: Ketevan Gurchiani, Professor of Anthropology at Ilia State University in Tbilisi, Georgia. The topic of her presentation: “Everyday Diplomacy and Crossing Boundaries: Case of Georgia” .


“4th Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN: “Borders and boundaries revisited: Anthropological perspectives and public engagement”
In the 4th online seminar of the 4th cycle of the ETHNOGRAFEIN series, held on Monday, January 22, 2024 (4-6 p.m.), the guest was Associate Professor Aspasia (Sissy) Theodosiou of Social Anthropology from the Department of Music Studies at the University of Ioannina. The topic of her presentation: ”Διασχίζοντας σύνορα ως μουσικός: καλλιτεχνική εργασία, διασυνοριακή κινητικότητα και συνοριακά καθεστώτα”.


“The Things We Said in the Past Still Hold True”
(A Journey to Vodená by Markos Meskos)

Snapshots from the screening of the film by Pigi Dimitrakopoulou, ‘The Things We Said in the Past Still Hold True‘ (A Journey to Vodená by Markos Meskos), on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., at the Cultural Venue of Islahane.


“4th Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN: “Borders and boundaries revisited: Anthropological perspectives and public engagement”
In the 2nd online seminar of the 4th cycle of the ETHNOGRAFEIN series, held on Monday, November 13, 2023 (4-6 p.m.), the guest was Sarah Green, Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Helsinki, Finland. The topic of her presentation: ‘Animal Crosslocations: More Than Human Encounters with European Border Regimes’.


“4th Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN: “Borders and boundaries revisited: Anthropological perspectives and public engagement”
In the 1st online seminar of the the 4th cycle of the ETHNOGRAFEIN series, held on Monday, October 30, 2023, the guest was Olga Demetriou, Professor in Political Anthropology at the Durham Global Security Institute, School of Government and International Affairs, UK. The topic of her presentation: ‘The Spirit of the Convention and the Letter of the Colony: Refugees Defining States in a British Overseas Territory’.


Photobook: DOCTORAL TRAINING WORKSHOP THE BALKANS, SPACES, SOCIETIES, HISTORY – IInd summer school: RELIGION AND POLITICS: BETWEEN RES PUBLICA AND PRIVATE PRACTICES (South-Eastern Europe, post-soviet countries and Eastern Mediterranean) 18-22 September 2023


“3rd Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN: ‘Public Anthropology, Femininities, Masculinities, and Feminist Critique
The 9th online seminar of the ETHNOGRAFEIN series, held on May 15, 2023 (4-6 p.m.), features Iris Lykourioti, Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture at the University of Thessaly; Elpida Karaba, Associate Professor in the Department of Culture, Creative Media and Industries at the University of Thessaly, art theorist, and exhibition curator; and Christina Grammatikopoulou, Art Historian, Ph.D. from the University of Barcelona, and postdoctoral researcher at the University of Macedonia. The topic of their presentation: “Φεμινιστικές θεωρίες, αισθητικές πρακτικές και παγκοσμιοποιημένες τεχνολογίες”:  E-book για την αισθητική και τις τεχνολογίες των φεμινιστικών κοινών“.


“3rd Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN: ‘Public Anthropology, Femininities, Masculinities, and Feminist Critique
The 8th online seminar of the ETHNOGRAFEIN series, held on April 24, 2023 (4-6 p.m.), features Kostas Giannakopoulos, Professor in the Department of Social Anthropology and History at the University of the Aegean and Chair of the Gender Equality Committee. The topic of his presentation: Για μια απο-αποικιοποίηση της ομοσεξουαλικότητας. Αρσενική θηλυπρέπεια στο μεταπολεμικό παρελθόν και παρόν.


“3rd Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN: ‘Public Anthropology, Femininities, Masculinities, and Feminist Critique
The 7th online seminar of the ETHNOGRAFEIN series, held on April 3, 2023 (4-6 p.m.), features: Eirini Avramopoulou, Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Anthropology at Panteion University; Athena Athanasiou, Professor in the Department of Social Anthropology, Dean of the School of Social Sciences at Panteion University, and Director of the Laboratory of Anthropological Research; Maria Liapi, Sociologist-Researcher, member of the Administrative Committee, and scientific director of the Diotima Center; and Elena Tzelepi, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Thessaly (Department of History, Archaeology, and Social Anthropology), Chair of the Committee for Equality and Combating Discrimination at the same university. The topic of their presentation: “Πέντε χρόνια φεμινιστιqά/feministiqá: Το περιοδικό ως φόρουμ κριτικής δημοσιότητας μεταξύ έρευνας και ακτιβισμού“.


“3rd Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN: ‘Public Anthropology, Femininities, Masculinities, and Feminist Critique
The 6th online educational seminar of the ETHNOGRAFEIN series features Dimitra Tzanaki, PhD in History (University of Oxford), Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Primary Education, University of the Aegean, with the topic: “Ευγονική και Φιλελευθερισμός: Φύλο, Σεξουαλικότητα, Ετεροφυλία και Οικογένεια (1880ς-1960ς)”.


“3rd Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN: ‘Public Anthropology, Femininities, Masculinities, and Feminist Critique
5th online educational seminar of the ETHNOGRAFEIN series featuring Fotini Tsibiridou, Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Macedonia, Chair of the Department of Balkan, Slavic, and Oriental Studies, Director of the Culture-Borders-Gender/LAB, and Chair of the Gender Equality Committee at UOM (2020-2023).
Topic of the presentation: “Πατριαρχία και αποικιακότητα θηλυκών και αρσενικών σωμάτων. Το παλίμψηστο ως μεθοδολογία ανάλυσης και αποκαθήλωσης στην πράξη“.


“Untiling” the tiles of today’s Balkan mosaic Filmmaking workshop on storytelling & film screenings 3/3/2023

Film Marathon: We wander through the nearby environment, around the university neighborhood, searching and filming, using mobile phones or any other available means, images, sounds, and sensations that capture a mosaic of identities coexisting in a single moment in time. The Haiku poem, consisting of three lines, serves as the vehicle for cinematic composition, aiming to create a short film with a maximum duration of 1 minute, composed of three shots.

Below are some of the short films created by the workshop participants:


“3rd Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN: ‘Public Anthropology, Femininities, Masculinities, and Feminist Critique
The 4th Ethnografein seminar titled:”Οι νταλίκες και τα γυναικάκια τους: Πολιτικές διαπραγματεύσεις και αναστοχασμοί από το πεδίο της έρευνας”, speaker: Anni Simati, Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Macedonia.


4th International Seminar for PhD Candidates, February 17-18, 2023.


“3rd Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN: ‘Public Anthropology, Femininities, Masculinities, and Feminist Critique
The 3rd Ethnografein seminar titled: “Ανδρισμοί και ανταγωνισμοί για την επίτευξη κοινωνικής ευταξίας. Η περίπτωση του «σασμού» (συμβιβασμού) στην Κρήτη”, with speaker Aris Tsantiroupoulos, Associate Professor of Social Anthropology, Department of Sociology, University of Crete.


“3rd Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN: ‘Public Anthropology, Femininities, Masculinities, and Feminist Critique
The 2nd seminar titled: “Τοποθετήσεις και επιτελεστικότητες των γυναικών στις κουλτούρες του δρόμου και του χιπχοπ: Εθνογραφικά παραδείγματα από την Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό” with speakers: Natalia Koutsougera, Social Anthropologist (Laboratory Teaching Staff, Department of Social Anthropology, Panteion University) and Angeliki Sakellariou, graduate of the Department of Communication, Media, and Culture at Panteion University.


“3rd Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN: ‘Public Anthropology, Femininities, Masculinities, and Feminist Critique
The 1st Ethnografein seminar titled:”Γυναικοκτονίες, γεροντοκτονίες, σχέσεις φροντίδας, ποιος νοιάζεται;” with speaker Athena Pegklidou, Assistant Professor in the Department of History and Archaeology at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.


Fotini Tsibiridou: “Our goal is the public nature of anthropology”.


Decolonization of the University – The Challenge of Deep Cognitive Justice
Snapshots from Boaventura de Sousa Santos’s visit to Thessaloniki and his significant lecture on the pathways opened to us by the Decolonization of the University.


Inter-Research Exercises in the ‘Refugee Neighborhood’ of Sykeon


Seminar of ETHNOGRAFEIN– 4/4/2022

Speaker: Penelope Papailias, Associate Professor, Department of History, Archaeology, and Social Anthropology, University of Thessaly

On Youtube:


Seminar of ETHNOGRAFEIN– 21/3/2022

Speaker: Vasilis Nitsiakos, Professor of Social Folklore, Department of History and Archaeology, University of Ioannina

On Youtube:


3rd Online International Seminar for PhD Candidates, 25-26/2/2022


Speaker: Michael Herzfeld





Highlights from the 2nd seminar of the 1st cycle of ETHNOGRAFINE / Critical Dialogues, Epistemological Challenges, Field Experiences, Creative Writing 23/4/2021


Presentation by D. Orfanidis



Between the Worlds: Magic, Miracles and Mysticism 2020 – Key note speech 31.10.2020, by Fotini Tsibiridou


Τhe regional collaborative project NATIONLESS, a common effort of the Institute of social sciences and humanities – Skopje, DAM-DAŠ/ Škart – Belgrade and the University of Macedonia-Thessaloniki – Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies.





Signing at University of Macedonia Rector ‘s office a partnership memorandum among: The University of Lyon2, Aix-En-Marseille, Monumed Project, University of Macedonia and Institut Francais de Thessalonique. 19/12/2019


“Our Faraway Neighbours” lecture series – Dr. Ivona Grgurinovic, 6/11/2019


Course of Silent Apology to Jews Lost in the Holocaust 3/11/2019