
cu tema
Limbă şi cultură: entități în continuă rearmonizare
Thessaloniki, 31 mai – 1 iunie 2024
(format off-line – online)

Dedicat împlinirii
a 25 de ani de la înființarea Institutului Limbii Române, București (ILR)
& a 50 de ani de la înființarea Catedrei de Limba Română pentru Studenți Străini,
Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași

Desfășurat în cadrul
Zilelor Limbii Române la Universitatea „Makedonía”, Thessaloniki
prin susținerea
Consulatului General al României la Salonic

Dragi Studenţi, Dragi Colegi,

Avem deosebita bucurie și onoare de a vă invita la Simpozionul Internațional aniversar Româna ca limbă străină,cu desfășurare între 31 mai – 01 iunie 2024, la Universitatea „Makedonía” din Thessaloniki, Grecia.

Tema din acest an, Limbă şi cultură: entități în continuă rearmonizare, oferăcrearea unui spațiu de cunoaștere și comunicare directă pentru studenții internaționali care învață limba română: în cadrul Lectoratelor de limbă, cultură și civilizație românească din diverse universități ale lumii, înființate de Institutul Limbii Române, București (ILR), în programele de An Pregătitor, în programele de licenţă, masterat, doctorat aleuniversităţilor din România sau din exterior. Acești studenți provin din spații culturale foarte diverse, dinEuropa, Asia, Africa. De asemenea, tema propuneun schimb util de experiență între specialiști, precum şi posibilitatea examinăriiprocesului de predare-însușire-evaluare a românei ca limbă străină, în raport cu nivelul european actual.

Odată cu liberalizarea frontierelor și a circulației, a posibilității de a intra în contact cu diferite culturi și mentalități, oamenii au devenit din ce în ce mai doritori să învețe cât mai multe limbi străine. Acestea își demonstrează din ce în ce mai mult rolul deconectori culturali,mijloace prolifice de comunicare interculturală și de căi de accesla patrimoniul cultural și lingvistic global.

Realitatea momentului se deschide spre cunoașterea reciprocă a atât de multor culturi, în dorința comună de a realiza un dialogtranscontinental, armonios și coerent. Plecând de aici,utilizarea limbii române apare ca unul dintre cele mai dezirabile și utile instrumente de mediere culturală și socială, ca factor eficient pentru soluționarea noilor cerințe ale mediului socio-uman. Dialogul interculturalcâștigă noi perspective, iar acest fapt solicită și stimulează perfecționarea modalităților de însușire a mecanismelor necesare comunicării lingvistice.


Call for applications for GlobalMed PhD workshop from November 18 to 22, 2024

The Culture-Borders-Gender/Lab, of the Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies of the University of Macedonia, as a member of the GlobalMed network, participates in the organization of the first doctoral workshop of the GlobalMed network “Did you say global? Objects, Methods and Limits of the Global Approach in Mediterranean Studies” to be held at the MMSH (Aix-en-Provence) and the Mucem (Marseille) from November 18 to 22, 2024.
This workshop, organized in collaboration with Mucem, is aimed at doctoral candidates and young postdoctoral researchers from the GlobalMed partner research teams.  Candidates from all disciplines should demonstrate an interest in the global approach as part of their doctoral or post-doctoral research topic.

The goals of the workshop are to provide participants with:

  • An in-depth look at the concept of “global”: history of the concept and issues of scale, epistemological issues, major publications/works, implementation of interdisciplinarity,
  • A reflection on the objects of study of the global approach and the methods and concepts mobilized in their respective fields of research and in other disciplines,
  • A reflection on the limits and critiques of the global approach.

Details of the call for proposals can be found in the attached document.

The deadline for applications is June 28, 2024, and applications should be sent to the e-mail address:


On behalf of Culture, Borders, Gender/Lab and the course Ethnographies of Turkey and the Middle East, Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, you are invited to the screening of the film    ” The Wanted 18” ( 2014, 75′, ) on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 18.00, auditorium 9, University of Macedonia.

 The film is a Palestinian-Canadian documentary created by Amer Shomali, visual artist and director, and Paul Cowan, screenwriter and combines oral testimonies, archival material and animation to relate the story of the first independent cow breeding farm in Palestine. The film was the Palestinian nomination for Best Foreign Language Film at the 88th Academy Awards.

The screening is held in collaboration with the Palestinian Film Festival of Athens. A ZOOM discussion with Ms. Carol Sansour, poet, cultural producer and director of the Palestinian Film Festival of Athens will follow.

The event is coordinated by the students of the course Ethnographies of Turkey and the Middle East.

We sincerely thank the students of the course “Ethnographies of Turkey and the Middle East” – BSAS, Konstantinos Andriotakis and Konstantinos – Evangelos Hekimoglou, who designed the poster of the event.

You are all kindly invited!

Presentation of editions in Thessaloniki, Steki Metanaston, 20 Valaoritou, Thursday 23/5/2024, 7-9pm.

As members of the @Decolonize Hellas collective and the Culture Borders Gender Laboratory we will be happy to see you at the presentation of our publications (with the support of the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation-Greece Branch) on 23/5/24, where Anthropology, among other related disciplines, debates/interacts academically and cinematically on coloniality/decolonization in the Migrant House. The event will take place on the eve of the opening of the 2nd Conference of the SKAE Association of Social Anthropologists of Greece – SKAE in Thessaloniki, in the co-organization of which the Laboratory & Studio of the BSAS-PaMaK Departments Department of Balkan, Slavic & Oriental Studies of the University of Macedonia and IA-APTH participate , Department of History-Archaeology AUTH.

Dan Georgakas: A Personal History of Greek America


As part of the “CULTURAL STUDIES: TEXTS-CREATORS-ACTIONS” Cycle, we are discussing, on Monday 5/20/2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the welcoming area of Pikap Kato (Olympou 57, downtown Thessaloniki), about the Greeks of America on the occasion of the book by Dan Georgakas “My Detroit” (Translated by Anastasia Stefanidou), Athens: “The publications of colleagues” 2016.


Kostis Karpozilos, PhD in History, University of Crete

Anastasia Stefanidou, Ph.D. in English Literature, AUTH (translator of the book)

Antonis Balasopoulos, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Cyprus

Entry is free to the public.

Event Language: Greek

9th seminar of the 4th Cycle of ETHNOGRAFEIN Online Educational Seminars (2023-2024)

Critical dialogues, epistemological challenges, 
field experiences, creative texts

Performance oikade (Aleksandros Plomaritis)
[provided by Dr. Christina Grammatikopoulou]

The online seminars series ETHNOGRAFEIN, since its inception in the spring of 2021, aims to contribute to a critical and interdisciplinary discussion about the theory and practice of ethnography, the epistemology of research, the significance of embodied experience, and also the modes of dissemination of the anthropological knowledge produced to both academic and non-academic audiences. The anthropological endeavour, both as a mode of research practice and a form of political writing, is based on the fundamental epistemological premises of critical evaluation, empathy, reflection, and self-referentiality and highlights the significance of a multifaceted analysis for the understanding of the local to the global. 
Organisation and coordination: Fotini Tsibiridou – Ioannis Manos – Eleni Sideri

The 4th period of the ETHNOGRAFEIN online seminars, starting in October 2023 with the title “Borders and boundaries revisited: Anthropological perspectives and public engagement“, sets the study of geopolitical borders as its point of departure to examine the diverse phenomena and processes that abound in the contemporary state border regions and have multilevel consequences for the border populations. 

By definition, studying borders and boundaries involves exploring the relationship between the ‘inside’ and the ‘outside’, or the “Self” and the “Other”. However, this is not a study of clear-cut dichotomies but an analysis of the interplay of multiple, multilevel, coexisting, but not necessarily interconnected processes. Boundaries are configured and take shape within a historically determined frame. They are subject to transformations in socio-political and economic contexts and are characterised by institutionally organised asymmetrical power relations. The complex making of borders and boundaries often emerges as a continuous interaction between mobility and enclosure, communication, coexistence, exchange, interaction, sameness and otherness, separation, exclusion, segmentation, connection and disconnection.

The anthropological study of geopolitical borders and their populations by anthropology was systematised in the mid-1990s. It was initially based on two paradigms: the study of the USA-Mexico and European borders. Nowadays, analysing social phenomena and cultural processes concerning borders and boundaries transcends disciplinary boundaries. Novel approaches such as the crοsslocations framework and the current discussion on decolonising methods and epistemologies have expanded the analytical and conceptual significance of the concepts of border and boundary. New methodological and interpretative tools have been created to study politics, trans-border mobility, materiality, transnationalism, topologies and genealogies of migration and refugeeness, border economics, and nation-state policies concerning spatial and cultural diversity, minority rights, and performative culture. 

Based on detailed explorations of ethnographic research and anthropological insights, the 4th cycle of the ETHNOGRAFEIN online seminars critically examines the theoretical, epistemological and methodological complexities surrounding the study of geopolitical borders and their imposed dichotomies. Moreover, it discusses anthropology’s potential to bring forth the subtleties of human voices often overshadowed by macro narratives and create an inclusive, comprehensive dialogue in the public sphere that demonstrates the multiplicity of lived experiences.

“Actions from below and exit from the Cypriot liminality” 

Pafsanias Karathanasis 
PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of the Aegean

Only those participants who wish to receive certificates of attendance register in the following form:

The registration form will receive answers one week before the seminar, that is from 15/4/2024 to 22/4/2024.


Seminar Platform: ZOOM

Meeting ID: 836 453 1775     Passcode: KB2JKa

7th seminar of the 4th Cycle of ETHNOGRAFEIN Online Educational Seminars (2023-2024)

Critical dialogues, epistemological challenges, 
field experiences, creative texts

Performance oikade (Aleksandros Plomaritis)
[provided by Dr. Christina Grammatikopoulou]

The online seminars series ETHNOGRAFEIN, since its inception in the spring of 2021, aims to contribute to a critical and interdisciplinary discussion about the theory and practice of ethnography, the epistemology of research, the significance of embodied experience, and also the modes of dissemination of the anthropological knowledge produced to both academic and non-academic audiences. The anthropological endeavour, both as a mode of research practice and a form of political writing, is based on the fundamental epistemological premises of critical evaluation, empathy, reflection, and self-referentiality and highlights the significance of a multifaceted analysis for the understanding of the local to the global. 
Organisation and coordination: Fotini Tsibiridou – Ioannis Manos – Eleni Sideri

The 4th period of the ETHNOGRAFEIN online seminars, starting in October 2023 with the title “Borders and boundaries revisited: Anthropological perspectives and public engagement“, sets the study of geopolitical borders as its point of departure to examine the diverse phenomena and processes that abound in the contemporary state border regions and have multilevel consequences for the border populations. 

By definition, studying borders and boundaries involves exploring the relationship between the ‘inside’ and the ‘outside’, or the “Self” and the “Other”. However, this is not a study of clear-cut dichotomies but an analysis of the interplay of multiple, multilevel, coexisting, but not necessarily interconnected processes. Boundaries are configured and take shape within a historically determined frame. They are subject to transformations in socio-political and economic contexts and are characterised by institutionally organised asymmetrical power relations. The complex making of borders and boundaries often emerges as a continuous interaction between mobility and enclosure, communication, coexistence, exchange, interaction, sameness and otherness, separation, exclusion, segmentation, connection and disconnection.

The anthropological study of geopolitical borders and their populations by anthropology was systematised in the mid-1990s. It was initially based on two paradigms: the study of the USA-Mexico and European borders. Nowadays, analysing social phenomena and cultural processes concerning borders and boundaries transcends disciplinary boundaries. Novel approaches such as the crοsslocations framework and the current discussion on decolonising methods and epistemologies have expanded the analytical and conceptual significance of the concepts of border and boundary. New methodological and interpretative tools have been created to study politics, trans-border mobility, materiality, transnationalism, topologies and genealogies of migration and refugeeness, border economics, and nation-state policies concerning spatial and cultural diversity, minority rights, and performative culture. 

Based on detailed explorations of ethnographic research and anthropological insights, the 4th cycle of the ETHNOGRAFEIN online seminars critically examines the theoretical, epistemological and methodological complexities surrounding the study of geopolitical borders and their imposed dichotomies. Moreover, it discusses anthropology’s potential to bring forth the subtleties of human voices often overshadowed by macro narratives and create an inclusive, comprehensive dialogue in the public sphere that demonstrates the multiplicity of lived experiences.

“The Georgian-Russian Border: Perspectives from the Periphery”

Florian Muehlfried 

Professor of Social Anthropology at Ilia State University (Georgia)

Florian Muehlfried:  The Georgian-Russian Border: Perspectives from the Periphery
In my presentation, I will trace the transformation of the border between Georgia and Russia from soft to hard based on the example of the Georgian highland region Tusheti. After the breakdown of the Soviet Union, the border region was managed flexibly and “from below”. This was followed by an internationalisation of border guarding and attempts to its spiritual fortification. These three phases of border guarding can be related to three different models of the state, and of being a citizen. 

Florian Mühlfried is a Professor of Social Anthropology at Ilia State University. His publications include the monographs Mistrust: A Global Perspective (2019) and Being a State and States of Being in Highland Georgia (2014), the edited volume Mistrust: Ethnographic Approximwations (2018), as well as the co-edited volumes Sacred Places, Emerging Spaces: Religious Pluralism in the Post-Soviet Caucasus (2018) and Exploring the Edge of Empire: Soviet Era Anthropology in the Caucasus and Central Asia (2011).

Only those participants who wish to receive certificates of attendance register in the following form:

The registration form will receive answers one week before the seminar, that is from 1/4/24 to 8/4/24.


Seminar Platform: ZOOM

Meeting ID: 836 453 1775     Passcode: KB2JKa

European Anthropology Days in Greece | 2024

The Association of Social Anthropologists of Greece (SKAE / ASAG) celebrates European Anthropology Days from the 15th of February up to the 20th of March under the rhetorical question “Is Anthropology present?“. Anthropology, in its polyphonic, open and critical approach, can contribute decisively to highlighting social problems, mitigating their causes and amplifying the voices of those affected. Anthropology enables new paths of understanding and can inform new policies and alternatives, evidence-based practices and shared visions.

Our celebrations include four movie screenings, four workshops, two performances, one exhibition and an online event held in English (link to access provided below) as well as six dedicated blog posts on ΣΚΑΕ/ASAG’s website. We are collaborating with the Ethnographic Film Festival in Athens, Fiji, Anthropology-inspired Storytelling network in Volos, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (Athens), the University of Thessaly (Volos), the University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki), the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the University of Aegean, four K-12 schools in Piraeus, Korydallos, Athens and the island of Amorgos, and a cinema club based on Amorgos. Our planned activities are outlined below.

Culture-Borders-Gender/Lab of Dept of Balkans, Slavic and Oriental Studies, University of MacedoniaThursday, 14th of March, (18:00-20:00) “Multiple gazes towards Northern Greek province: Kalampaki’s “Kourbani” custom and the critical ethnographic encounter”, Foteini Tsibiridou, professor of Social Anthropology and director of Lab, Dimitris Kataiftsis, teaching associate in Social Anthropology, Nikos Manolas, PhD candidate in Anthropology, Anastasia Mitropoanou, MA student in Anthropology (Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies department – University of Macedonia)

zoom link: 


4th Cycle of ETHNOGRAFEIN Online Educational Seminars (2023-2024)

Performance oikade (Aleksandros Plomaritis)
[provided by Dr. Christina Grammatikopoulou]

Ioannis Manos: ΝΕΑ ΜΟΔΑ-НОВА МОДА-NEW FASHION: Materialities, cultural performances and crosslocations on the border between Greece and North Macedonia
The regions of Florina (Φλώρινα) and Bitola (Битола), situated along the border between Greece and North Macedonia, constitute border locations where various and simultaneous economic, political, cultural, and social processes coincide. Amidst these processes, hegemonic discourses with different temporalities collide, various social practices with significant material implications are articulated, and multiple communities are constructed, signified, and experienced. These processes manifest across multiple fields of action and interact with each other or coexist concurrently in the same geographical space without necessarily being interlinked. This presentation uses the Florina and Bitola frontier region to explore the interplay between cultural performances and geopolitical borders.
This borderland is approached as a crosslocation, where different classificatory logics and asymmetric forms of power compete to impose their meanings on the significance and value of a place. While the two regions are politically and economically separated by distinct border regimes, including those between nation-states, EU boundaries, and the Schengen zone, they are also geographically, culturally, and historically interconnected. The presentation draws upon ethnographic material to discuss how border populations dynamically and actively produce varied experiences of the place through cultural performances, including language, dance, song, and music.

Universities in the Shadow of Genocide: Discipline, Resistance, Decolonization

The Culture-Borders-Gender/Lab in collaboration with Decolonize Hellas is organizing an online event, which will take place on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM, featuring international participants. The theme of the event is: Universities in the Shadow of Genocide: Discipline, Resistance, Decolonization.

The Culture-Borders-Gender/Lab is also technically supporting the event, taking a stand against academicocide—i.e., the systematic destruction of educational and knowledge structures, especially higher education and research, aimed at erasing the ability of Palestinians to rebuild their society.

The discussion will be held online via Zoom.
Click the link below to join:[0]=AT1qWV6i1ekmS2axnT34B2XIvdMSqRM91DDT93SKzNTenr9_bqelhBA8Mtb73HLj4vVXidovXNinVec8a1DNduy3VFZOX5viq19Hxre0V4-sFT7Zc9WvAa-HQdYMiE_xMnp8JKEgS8lgY41zjxHPbyZuqQWl