CHS – CCS Fellowships

Since 2008, CHS has generously supported the Harvard Summer Program in Nafplio and Thessaloniki (Greece), by offering two research fellowships to a) junior faculty members (Adjunct Lecturers, Lecturers or Assistant Professors) and b) Scientific and Laboratory Teaching Staff (“ΕΔΙΠ” and “ΕΕΠ”) who hold a PhD, of Schools of Humanities and Social Sciences from Greek Universities.

About the program

The fellows participate in the program by presenting their research and interacting with colleagues and students from the U.S. and all around the world, while the team exchanges experiences and ideas about their different educational systems.

The fellowships aim to attract applicants with an academic background strongly related with the disciplines of Comparative Cultural Studies, the academic core of this program. CHS gives preference to those whose application and cover letter suggests that they would be comfortable working in an intimate, international, multilingual community of scholars. Former experience in similar academic programs/activities in Greece or abroad will be taken into consideration.

The fellowship includes:

  • Year-long appointment as CHS Fellow in Comparative Cultural Studies in Greece.
  • Year-long access to all Harvard electronic resources. The fellows will receive an ID and HarvardKey to have access to all digital libraries, available through the Harvard University library system.
  • A week-long stay in Nafplio or in Thessaloniki in July 2020 (dates to be determined). The fellows will join the summer program and interact with the students and the faculty. They will attend all seminars taught during that week and address a one-hour lecture to the students on their respective fields of interest. The Center covers accommodation, transportation, breakfast and dinner, during the fellow’s stay with the summer program, and offers a stipend aiming to cover additional expenses.

Collaborating Educational Institutions

In the past, fellows came primarily from the Universities of Patras and Ioannina. Since 2016, CHS opened applications to all Humanities and Social Sciences Schools of Higher Education in Greece.

For a full list of all Faculties, Schools and Departments of Greek Academic Institutions, please click here. This list is also available for download in PDF format.

2020 Application

The application for these fellowships is now open, and the deadline is February 19, 2020 at midnight (Eastern European Time). Please find information about all required documentation here (PDF).

For additional information please contact Mr. Evangelos Katsarelis, CHS Greece Programs and Events Manager, through telephone (+30 697 964 7166, Athens, Greece) and/or email ekatsarelis(at)

Minority Changemaker

University of Southern Denmark, in cooperation with the Danish NGO “Grænseforeningen” – “The Border Association”, will offer a three months course on minorities aimed at young adults from minorities or interested in minorities:

The course will be held in the Danish-German border region from April-June 2020, the course fee of 500 € includes room and board and several excursions. University students (present or potential) will be able to earn ECTS points.

Invitation to the 1st ASECU YOUTH WINTER SCHOOL (17-21 February 2020, Polanczyk, Poland)

Dear members of the Association of Economic Universities of South and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region (ASECU),
I have the pleasure to announce holding the 1st winter event in the frame of ASECU Youth activities and am honored to invite your institution – your students and professors – to participate in
the 1st ASECU Youth Winter School “Via Carpatia – a route to the future: Socio-economic and geopolitical aspects”
The organizer of the event is the University of Rzeszow, Faculty of Economics (Poland). We invite you to join the ASECU Youth family, get engaged in lively lectures of professors, practice-oriented workshops, have an excursion program and enjoy 5-day (17-21 February 2020) winter vacations in Polanczyk, Poland, with us!
The submission of applications is already open and will be closed after 20 January 2020. Key information about the event and the application procedure can be found in the latest news on the official website of the ASECU Youth and encloses the Call for Application and the Application Form:
We would kindly ask to inform students and professors of your institution as soon as possible as the time for submission is one month.

The ASECU Youth Factsheet 2019 is additionally attached to this letter to inform your colleagues and students in detail on the activities and figures of the ASECU Youth and encourage them to join our big multinational team and be part of the 1st winter event in the frame of the ASECU Youth.

Students’ Association of Economic Universities of South and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region (ASECU Youth)

Website of the ASECU:

2nd call for ‘Short Term Scientific Missions’ (STSM) and for Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) conference grant applications

Dear ENTAN colleagues,
I am delighted to inform you that the second call for STSM grants and the second call for ITC conference grants have been announced this afternoon on our website and Facebook profile
Application deadline is 20 December 2019.
Please consider applying, and also please share this information with other colleagues from ENTAN countries, especially with PhD students and early career researchers who wish to apply for an NTA related research visit, or to present an NTA related paper at a conference anywhere.

Meeting – mutual exchange of ideas

On November 29th  , the Lab will host a presentation for the Center for Balkan Cooperation LOJA (Tetovo, North Macedonia)   and  the NGO “KURVE Wustrow – Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action” (Wustrow, Germany) regarding  their – project “Anchoring Multi-ethnic Youth Work in University Curricula for Future Teacher” within the frame of Civil Peace Service (Ziviler Friedensdienst). The meeting has as an objective the mutual exchange of ideas on issues of interculturalism and education.