“Untiling” the tiles of today’s Balkan mosaic Filmmaking workshop on storytelling & film screenings


Organizing team: Balkans Beyond Borders & Culture –Borders –Gender/Lab, University of Macedonia, department of Balkan, Slavic & Oriental Studies.

Date: Friday, March 3d, Thessaloniki, Greece

15:00 – 19:00 workshop and film marathon

The workshop is funded by the Research Committee – UOM.

What does cinema, intersectionality and Haiku poems have in common?

Drawing upon the theme of the 13th Balkans Beyond Borders Short Film Festival titled ‘Untiling the Mosaic’ we invite you to a workshop, where we will discuss and contemplate on the “gaze”, anthropology in film, how to tell stories through images, and address the multiple identities we all carry, our personal and social mosaic. We invite you to create your own short films, consisting of three acts through three shots, inspired by the structure of Haiku poems, which are made up of three verses which capture a moment in the present time, within the ‘now’, kind of like a movie.

The workshop and film marathon will be followed by a screening of selected films from the competition programme of the 13th Balkans Beyond Borders Short Film Festival ‘Untiling the Mosaic’, consisting of films by young filmmakers from the Balkans, which thematically touch upon the experience of the coexisting multiple and intersecting identities such as gender, social class, sexuality and ethnicity. By making this ‘mosaic’ visible and deconstructing it, the possibilities of redefining it, suddenly appears.


Workshop: “Haiku Shorts: filmmaking and storytelling in three acts”

15:00 – 15:30 “Cinema and Anthropology. Saying a lot just in few words”, Eleni Sideri , Ass. Prof. BSOS-UoM

15:30 – 16:00 “’Mosaic of identities & telling stories: film form in three acts’”, Vasiliki Maltasoglou, Festival Director & co-founder of Balkans Beyond Borders.

Film Marathon 17:00 – 19:00

We wander and explore the nearby environment, the neighborhood of the university, and film with our mobile phone or any other equipment at our disposal, images, sounds and sensations that capture a mosaic of identities that coexist in a moment in time. The Haiku poem, consisting of three verses, becomes the vehicle of the cinematic composition and creation of a film, with a maximum duration of 1 minute, consisting of three shots.

  • Delivery of films and experience sharing 19:00-19:30

 Number of Participants: 15 There will be accepted in order of priority. Certificates of attendance will be given.

Registration Form: https://forms.gle/K2xdowhDXY6C5fvw7

CV’s of participants

Vasiliki Maltasoglou is Festival Director of the Balkans Beyond Borders Short Film Festival and co-founder of the organization Balkans Beyond Borders. She has finished her studies in International Politics but professionally her expertise is in digital marketing. In Balkans Beyond Borders she directs the Festival, realizes workshops on filmmaking and storytelling, and curates all screenings and cultural events of BBB. 

Eleni Sideri


Documentary screening: “I heard God crying” (documentary 86′ – production 2013)

As part of the Cycle “The Culture-Borders-Gender/Lab in the City,” we will screen and discuss the film “I Heard God Crying” (86-minute documentary, 2013 production) with its creator Elpida Skoufalou on Wednesday, January 25, 2023, from 18:00 to 20:30, at the Cultural Venue of Islahane (address: Elenis Zografou 3, Thessaloniki).

The film takes us on a journey through Greece, Syria, and Albania. It focuses on rituals of faith, mourning, and lamentation as performed by minority communities, so close yet so distant from us. Marginalized communities from the Balkans and the Mediterranean remind us of the redemptive and healing significance of embodied rituals. These are worlds that communicate with God through the body and whose social actions are imbued with their passions. Worlds where faith in life guides them to honor their dead through rituals. Worlds that speak of forgotten intimacies of post-human inclusion, in harmony with nature and other creatures.

Event language: Greek

Invitation to MOMus-Museum of Modern Art-Kostakis Collection

The Culture- Borders-Gender/Lab of the Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies (PA.MAK), in the context of the new cycle of public actions entitled: “The Culture-Borders-Gender/Lab in the city” , on Friday, December 23, 2022, time 17:00-20:00, will be at MOMus-Museum of Modern Art- Kostaki Collection (Kolokotroni 21, Lazariston Monastery).

Event language: Greek


“The Culture-Borders-Gender/Lab in the city”

The Culture – Borders – Gender/Lab of the Department of Balkan, Slavic, and Oriental Studies (University of Macedonia), creating links between the academic community and society, will be hosted on Wednesday, 7/12/2022, from 18:00 to 20:00, at the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle (Proxenou Koromila 23, Thessaloniki).

The event, within the framework of the new cycle of public actions titled: “The Culture-Borders-Gender/Lab in the city,” includes the presentation of print and electronic publications, as well as information about its educational activities and events open to the public.

Event language: Greek

2nd Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN

The Ethnography Club — The Culture-Borders-Gender/Lab is organizing seminars for the academic year 2021-2022 with the theme:

Coordination: Fotini Tsibiridou – Ioannis Manos

The 2nd Cycle, which begins in November 2021, titled “Public Anthropology and Cultural Heritage,” aims to incorporate the above issues within the framework of ‘Public Anthropology.’ This approach engages with society, intertwining the reflective and empathetic critical discourse of anthropological knowledge with alternative practices of critical publicity.

The concept of ‘cultural heritage’ is chosen, in the current period, as a field of reflection and revision of the neo-Hellenic “Self.” The modern Greek national narrative is articulated through performances, rituals, and symbols in public and private discourse and space, which, through politics and pathways of memory, constitute the dominant narrative about cultural heritage. This narrative, with the assistance of state policies, international organizations, local governance, and other collectives that give meaning and reproduce power relations and hegemonies, refers to the idea of continuity and linear progression of historical time while simultaneously creating many gaps and silences.

In this context, alongside the deconstruction of hegemonic discourses, anthropological approaches seek the meanings and dynamics that silences and gaps acquire in the lives of the different, the subaltern, and the collectives, as they are inscribed within the boundaries, margins, and borders of dominant narratives and cultural politics in the public sphere.

Seminar Platform: ZOOM Link https://zoom.us/j/8954478253
Meeting ID: 895 447 8253

“Οι πρακτικές οικειοποίησης της φύσης ως πολιτισμικές κληρονομιές”.
Speaker: Vassilis Nitsiakos
Professor of Social Folklore, Department of History and Archaeology, University of Ioannina
March 21, 2022, (17:00-19:00)

“Μνημειøκλασία: Δημόσιος χώρος, υλικότητες και η απο-αποικιοποίηση της ιστορίας”
Speaker: Penelope Papailias
Associate Professor of Social Anthropology, Department of History, Archaeology, and Social Anthropology, University of Thessaly
April 4, 2022, (17:00-19:00)

«Οι τουριστικές και αρχαιολογικές οντολογίες της Δήλου: Εμπειρίες “ξέφωτης αλήθειας” και “άκρυπτου” κοσμοπολιτισμού»
Speaker: Despoina Nazou
PhD in Social Anthropology (University of the Aegean) Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of History and Archaeology, University of Crete
May 23, 2022, (17:00-19:00)

Language of presentations: Greek

Inter-Research Exercises in the ‘Refugee Neighborhood’ of Sykies

The Culture-Borders-Gender/Lab (UOM) and the Cultural Neighborhood of the Municipality of Neapolis-Sykies are launching their collaboration with ‘Research Exercises in the ‘Refugee Neighborhood’ of Sykies.’

On Friday, May 27, 2022, there will be a guided tour along the ‘refugee neighborhood’ route, followed by a presentation of research activities and planning of joint collaborations between the University and the Municipality of Neapolis-Sykies by the members of the Culture-Borders-Gender/Lab (UOM).

The meeting will take place on May 27, 2022, at 10:00 AM at the entrance of Eptapyrgio.

Interested participants are kindly requested to register using the form below by May 25, 2022: https://forms.gle/YDjg5nEusGqLKyLv7