“From Popular Markets to Family Businesses and to Russian Markets: an Horizontal Economy of the ‘Poor’ as a Survival Strategy of the Returnees from the Former Soviet Union from mid-80s until Today”

This research examines the economic networks of the Greek post-soviet migrants in Thessaloniki and the various ways they affect (and are affected by) mobility and migration practices, as well as the formations and deformations of previous and newer diasporic communities.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union more than 150.000 Greek natives migrated to Greece (or “returned” according to the official narrative),  in an effort to rebuild their lives from zero in the “homeland of their ancestors”. From 1990’s until the beginning of the new millennium, These migrants were involved in various commercial activities (mainly inside informal economic zones and thanx to loose state control) often implicating transnational mobility. The fur market, the tourist industry, the construction sector, and the open-popular markets become a privileged field of employment and business activity, on which Russophone post-soviet Greeks find a place through hard work and the appropriate kinship or diasporic networks. Despitethe fact that, among them, Greece was considered as the “final patria”, transnational practices never stopped to take placein both collective and individual levels; Germany, UK, Cyprus, proved to be favorable destinations who welcomed, at least temporarily, several post-soviet populations including Greeks.The Greek crisis of 2010, followed by the worsening of living conditions, increased (re)migration tendencies to western Europe along with return practices to southern Russia.

The objective of this research, based on semi-directed interviews and extended fieldwork in acompany owned by post-soviet entrepreneurs, was to explore the interaction between migration strategies, economic networks and diasporic communities, and the same time, to put into scrutiny several stereotypes around “Greekness” or “Ponticness” based on the myth of the “final” and “eternal”patria.Finally, the quest for the linkages between the “rise and fall” of specific economic sectors over time, and the post-soviet mobility, through the Greek example, reveals various economic and migrating practices embedded into the social and cultural norms of the diasporic communities.

The research was accomplished by the post doc researchers Dimitris Kataiftsis and Anastasios Grigorakis and was supervised by the Professor of the academic department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies Eftihia Voutira.

“This research is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund-ESF) through the Operational Programme «Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014-2020”

Πληροφορίες ένταξης πράξης ΕΣΠΑ: https://empedu.gov.gr/decision/apo-tis-laikes-agores-stis-oikogeneiakes-epicheiriseis-sta-russian-markets-mia-orizontia-oikonomia-ton-quot-ftochon-quot-os-stratigiki-epiviosis-ton-epanapatristhenton-apo-tin-proin-essd-apo-ta-mesa-t/

Minority Changemaker

University of Southern Denmark, in cooperation with the Danish NGO “Grænseforeningen” – “The Border Association”, will offer a three months course on minorities aimed at young adults from minorities or interested in minorities: https://minoritychangemaker.graenseforeningen.dk/

The course will be held in the Danish-German border region from April-June 2020, the course fee of 500 € includes room and board and several excursions. University students (present or potential) will be able to earn ECTS points.


Memorandum of cooperation, CREABALK ΝΕΤWORK (2019), between the Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies of the University of Macedonia- Culture-Borders-Gender/LAB (cbg-lab.uom.gr), TELEMME – Temps, Espaces, Langages, Europe méridionale Méditerranée, CNRS (https://telemme.mmsh.univ-aix.fr/), University Aix-Marseille και EVS – Environnement, Ville, Société, CNRS (https://www.msh-lse.fr/laboratoires/evs), University Lumière-Lyon2.
The CREABALK ΝΕΤWORK (2019) aims at creating an innovative space for research-creation, experimentation and training/teaching in social sciences, based on the links between 3 research and high education in France and Greece (Thessaloniki, Aix-Marseille, Lyon) and the French Institute in Thessaloniki. Its goal is to promote a genuine positioning, between scientific, artistic and cultural creativity at the regional scale (South Eastern Europe, Mediterranean region), around the notion of “City-Lab” and in order to valuate relationships and innovative practices between research, creation, training/teaching and cultural action. https://cbg-lab.uom.gr/en/creabalk/

Invitation to the 1st ASECU YOUTH WINTER SCHOOL (17-21 February 2020, Polanczyk, Poland)

Dear members of the Association of Economic Universities of South and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region (ASECU),
I have the pleasure to announce holding the 1st winter event in the frame of ASECU Youth activities and am honored to invite your institution – your students and professors – to participate in
the 1st ASECU Youth Winter School “Via Carpatia – a route to the future: Socio-economic and geopolitical aspects”
The organizer of the event is the University of Rzeszow, Faculty of Economics (Poland). We invite you to join the ASECU Youth family, get engaged in lively lectures of professors, practice-oriented workshops, have an excursion program and enjoy 5-day (17-21 February 2020) winter vacations in Polanczyk, Poland, with us!
The submission of applications is already open and will be closed after 20 January 2020. Key information about the event and the application procedure can be found in the latest news on the official website of the ASECU Youth and encloses the Call for Application and the Application Form: http://asecu-youth.com/application-submission-for-the-1st-asecu-youth-winter-school-is-open/
We would kindly ask to inform students and professors of your institution as soon as possible as the time for submission is one month.

The ASECU Youth Factsheet 2019 is additionally attached to this letter to inform your colleagues and students in detail on the activities and figures of the ASECU Youth and encourage them to join our big multinational team and be part of the 1st winter event in the frame of the ASECU Youth.

Students’ Association of Economic Universities of South and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region (ASECU Youth)

E-mail: asecu.youth.board@gmail.com
Website: http://asecu-youth.com/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/asecuyouth/ 
Instagram: https://instagram.com/asecu_youth?igshid=1ol7mpy1i37nu
Website of the ASECU: http://www.asecu.gr/index_en.htm

Women’s campaigns, social movements, and academic practices in Lebanon and Tunisia after the Arab Spring.

Fundamental Rights, Values and Diversity: Conflicts and Examples

Roundtable discussion co-organised by cbg-lab and the Jean Monnet project «Enhancing the Debate about Intercultural Dialogue, EU Values and Diversity» of the Department of International and European Studies, University of Macedonia.

More informations:

2nd call for ‘Short Term Scientific Missions’ (STSM) and for Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) conference grant applications

Dear ENTAN colleagues,
I am delighted to inform you that the second call for STSM grants and the second call for ITC conference grants have been announced this afternoon on our website https://entan.org/ and Facebook profile
Application deadline is 20 December 2019.
Please consider applying, and also please share this information with other colleagues from ENTAN countries, especially with PhD students and early career researchers who wish to apply for an NTA related research visit, or to present an NTA related paper at a conference anywhere.