1st Cycle of Online Educational Seminars ETHNOGRAFEIN

Coordination: Fotini Tsibiridou – Ioannis Manos

Starting from the personal and embodied experience of ethnographic research, the need for reflection, and the search for an effective narrative that may follow conventional anthropological writing methods or take an experimental form as “ethnography in another creative way,” the seminar explores aspects and experiences of ethnographic practice and the composition of ethnographic text, or other audiovisual means, through which research results are presented.

We are concerned with issues such as:

  • The ways in which ethnographic knowledge and anthropological theory are shaped through the experiences of encountering and being in the field.
  • The challenges, conflicts, and ethical considerations, both personal and professional, related to the field and the theoretical framework of reference, the historical context, and the social and political conditions.
  • The memories and embodied aspects of research that can be introduced as ethnographic data into narrative forms and contribute to transforming strict scientific study into enjoyable autobiographical storytelling.
  • How does the relationship between the researcher and the people studied evolve when the research ends?
  • For whom are we ultimately writing our ethnographies, and who do we want to read them?

The aim of the seminar is to contribute to a critical and interdisciplinary discussion about the theory and practice of ethnography, the epistemology of research, the significance of embodied experience, and the ways of disseminating the produced anthropological knowledge to both academic and non-academic audiences. Anthropological study, as a research practice and a writing policy that includes critical assessment, empathy, reflection, and self-referentiality, highlights the importance of multimodal analysis of the local for understanding the general.

Platform ZOOM: https://zoom.us/my/bsas9   ID 273 265 7145

«Υποδομές, Κοινωνική Συμμετοχή και Κρίσεις»
Speaker: Dimitris Dalakoglou
Professor of Social Anthropology,
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Friday, May 14, 2021, 17:00-19:00

«Οίκοι/ανήκει. Δεοντολογία, μεθοδολογία, επιστημολογία»
Speaker: Neni Panourgia
Associate Professor of Anthropology,
Columbia University, New York
Friday, April 23, 2021, 17:00-19:00

“Εθνογραφικό πεδίο και ανθρωπολογική γραφή – χθες και σήμερα”
Speaker: Nadia Seremetakis
Anthropologist, University Professor, Author
Friday, April 2, 2021, 17:00-19:00

Language of presentations: Greek