Memorandum of cooperation, CREABALK ΝΕΤWORK (2019), between the Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies of the University of Macedonia- Culture-Borders-Gender/LAB (, TELEMME – Temps, Espaces, Langages, Europe méridionale Méditerranée, CNRS (, University Aix-Marseille και EVS – Environnement, Ville, Société, CNRS (, University Lumière-Lyon2.
The CREABALK ΝΕΤWORK (2019) aims at creating an innovative space for research-creation, experimentation and training/teaching in social sciences, based on the links between 3 research and high education in France and Greece (Thessaloniki, Aix-Marseille, Lyon) and the French Institute in Thessaloniki. Its goal is to promote a genuine positioning, between scientific, artistic and cultural creativity at the regional scale (South Eastern Europe, Mediterranean region), around the notion of “City-Lab” and in order to valuate relationships and innovative practices between research, creation, training/teaching and cultural action.